Pheonix New Life Poetry
Phoenix New Life Poetry is the voice of Phoenix Poets, an international co-operative friendship network of artists and writers world-wide, rather than a commercial literary journal and is open to all contributors.
Co-founding poets: David Allen Stringer & Dr Emmanuel Petrakis, Who were Members of the “Planetary Council” of our “Universal Alliance” (Phoenix New Life Poetry” was a project of “The Universal Alliance”)
Unfortunately, we have to announce the passing of Dave Stringer the founder and editor of the magazine. He had been in hospital for a few weeks and died of a heart attack on and passed to spirit 21 October 2021.
There will be a memorial for David on the winter solstice and the piece of land he and Pam managed.
We are still working out what will happen to the magazine. For any enquiries you can email the website manager at
“Culture” is, anthropologically and strictly speaking, a definition of the whole of the Way of Life of a Society, not only of a marginalized or sanitised and unchallenging corner called “The Arts”. Since my childhood, in the 1950’s, the “community integrity” of especially Western society, of the “extended family” and the creative, self-reliant village/neighbourhood has progressively disintegrated with our many competing and isolated egoisms. “The New Renaissance” is about much more than a literary-artistic movement but for the overall healing and reconstruction of our societies and their planetary environment.
Almost all the elements of this much needed socio-economic and cultural re-creation have emerged in the spiritual, new age, natural health, community-creation and green movements since the 1960’s & 70’s: however, poetry and the related Arts (such as Music), liberated by surrealism and rock-n’-roll, from traditional conventions in the 1950’s & 60’s, since those decades of early promise, appear to have been either neglected, ghettoised or to have become ‘stuck’ in the ‘ranting’ or cynical ‘negativity’ of knowing what one detests, but not knowing what one, more positively, values & aspires to. In our magazine we will not react to this by seeking to ‘escape into a romantic faerie tale’, but will seek to strike a wholesome balance between ‘angry protest’ and the beauty-&-beatitude of our divine creation that many lose sight of amidst crises, poverty & suffering! Now, however, in this dawn of the promise of the New Millennium is re-emerging the inspiration for the New Renaissance movement in poetry, music and literature as formerly manifest in The Partners Writing Group once (based in Middlesex, England), together with our own, as above, with initial input from Shelley’s Hellas and Blake’s Albion. We, here, reach out, to the rest of the world, for your participation.
Visionary prose writings can be included, at our discretion, as extracts, in our “Reviews” section and we will, also, be able to use visionary paintings etcetera, as visual contributions to our pages with poetry as our priority. Thus, we welcome poems on such themes as:
Peace, Freedom, Social-&-Political Justice, Social Comment, Spiritual, Psychic & Religious Experiences, Communing With The Creator & Creation, Healing Prayers & Invocations, ‘New romantic’ Interpretations of Classical Myths & Legends (e.g. those of ‘Orpheus’ or the ‘Holy Grail’) or whatever be your own dream!
All styles are welcome - there are no set limits on the length of each poem. What matters is their motivating spirit!
Poets are invited to send in, with their work, a concise profile of themselves, their concerns or their autobiographies and, if they so wish, we can add their addresses to their work, as printed, should they seek to be contacted by sympathetic souls! We do not pay authors for any work included. Copyright remains with the authors.
We are especially interested in News and Information about Community Projects that involve Education-for-Harmonious Living or shared Artistic Creativity. We, also, welcome free-exchanges of journals or of mutual publicity, by arrangement, with other ‘cultural periodicals’ such as feel that they share the essential spirit of our initiative. Choice poems in other languages (French or Greek) can be translated if we feel that they are of merit, otherwise poets in other languages (e.g. Russian) will, themselves, have to make their own translations of their work into English to their own satisfaction.
Postal Subscriptions Inc. p & p: U.K £14, Europe £16 (25 Euros) Beyond £20 ($30 U.S.) or equivalents. Cheques & Money Orders payable to “The Universal Alliance”, Postal Orders to David Allen Stringer.
For a single issue (30 pages A4) only, send us one quarter of the total annual subscription, as above indicated.
Phoenix New Life Poetry is available free if sent by email, as a word attachment, with or without cover-painting!
Free printed copies can only be made available, otherwise, to those who undertake to copy the magazine to pass on to others, with the prior agreement of we, the editors. We wish to share our inspirations: but it must remain financially viable, so that we expect all participants receiving printed copies to subscribe, unless specially exempted, as well as other readers!
Contact address: (International) David Allen Stringer, Editor, “Phoenix New Life Poetry”
Flat 1, 12 Place Rd. Fowey, Cornwall PL23 1DR UK Email: c/o
See also, following Phoenix Publications, Phoenix Art and Phoenix Music
No 80, Summer 2021
Including work by Oghene Abel, Dean Carter, Marc Carver, Sylvia Audrey Charlewood, Zhou Duanzhuang, Qui Feng, Jeffrey Gale, Tasha Halpert, David Knape, Alexandria Krysinski, Li Jinfu, Mark Laing, Liza Leyla, Yi Nong, Marija Najthefer Popov, Achintaya Krishna Sarma, Rati Saxena, Richard Stewart, David Allen Stringer,Tibor Tollas, Paul Tristram, Scott Vanya, Trevor Wainwright, A.D.Winans, and Thom World Poet.
No. 79, Spring 2021

No. 78, Winter 2020